"The term 'Enlightened' holds a profound significance in both the psychological and spiritual realms. This state of consciousness, sought after by many practitioners, arises from transcending the desires (lobha), aversions (dosha), and confusions (moha) engendered by the egos present in the human psyche.
Why is aspiring to this state and level of consciousness so crucial? As explained by wise individuals who have attained this level, its importance lies in discovering the authentic human existence, where only Love and absolute happiness reside.
You might question: 'If I already live with love and happiness, am I not enlightened?' But is that happiness lasting? Is that love truly pure?
The happiness might be masking desires, and the love might be concealing ambitions and fantasies. This reality leads us to reflect on the need to self-observe and awaken consciousness to verify that we are not living within a single fantasy or illusion.
When we decide to know and explore, the path gradually illuminates, and that's where we must venture to go beyond the darkness and reach enlightenment.
This inner quest, involving self-awareness and consciousness expansion through dance, becomes another tool to illuminate the path. The connection between dance and the transpersonal can function as a bridge to self-discovery and enlightenment, revealing a unique and enriching path inward.
I appreciate your time dedicated to reading my words. I send you love and light to illuminate your lives. I look forward to our next encounter. Until soon!
- Shamti Ruiz"